Industry Visioning Workshop III



Please provide your insights so that CNM can better serve our workforce and remain a dynamic resource for industry partnerships for years to come.

Summary of Responses



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Goals & Visions [draft]

  • Focus intentionally on employer collaboration and public-private partnerships to provide relevant and industry-led training.

  • Remain nimble and agile with growing markets and trends.

  • Eliminate the stigma of historical trade stereotypes by complimenting the hands-on training with critical thinking and management skills, providing a pathway to entrepreneurship.

  • Create clear and dynamic pathways to job placement through high school integration, dual credit opportunities, and certification validity.

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Poll Everywhere Survey Results


 What does the trades industry need most from CNM?

  “Relevant equipment and technology”




“Being responsive to an employer’s workforce needs”


“Engaging instructors that will be advocates for the trades”


“Valid Certification for cross state application”


“Provide quality, relevant training following industry best practices by instructors with significant experience in their fields.”


“Well educated and skilled graduates”


“Well educated employees”


“Provide quality training at the education level so students are ready for real world applications”


“Preparing students to understand and acquire the cross trade skills needed for employment”


“Open channels of communication”


“Initial and continuing education that is portable and accepted by multiple constituents”


“Quality education and certifications”


“Responsive systems that continually align training program to driving industry needs”


“Open partnership. Education that is most up to date with technology and education”


“Training for students to get the Class A license”


“Skilled, competent graduates who are excited about the occupation they’ve chosen”


“Quality educational programs”




“Graduates whose skill sets match industry needs now, and near-future hiring needs”


“Proactive efforts to plan talent delivery in the future”


“Truck Driving”


“More partnerships. More accessibility.”


“Partnership to ensure current and forward-looking career paths, training and equipment”


“Providing more people into the workforce pipeline”




What do you need from CNM to support your workforce requirements?

 “Skilled graduates with willingness to be life-long learners”


“Basic leadership and critical thinking skills”


“More faculty involvement within nursing clinicals to help with hands on education”


“MRI certifications—more training in advanced modalities”


“Willingness to continue and expand conversations about alignment with secondary programs”


“Training in construction technologies (current and relevant)”


“Don’t always know what CNM offers for workforce”


“More interaction with my industry, involvement in my trade associations”




“Coordination with apprenticeship programs to provide more people into the workforce pipeline”


“Single point of contact for recruitment”




What do you need from CNM to support your business requirements?

 “Searchable resume database”


“Leadership and Managing Others training”


“Opportunities to more effectively engage CNM for our non-trades occupations”


“Provide financial and other resources for entrepreneurs”


“Quality assurance/quality control training for construction”


“LPN mobility program year round”


“More active reciprocal dialogue. CNM is not a direct pipeline with Sandia, although there are areas of common interests.”


“Associate Degreed in the trades”


“Basic leadership, critical thinking, basic business skills”





What additionally would you like to tell us?

 “Recruit students early.”


“The clinical student placement is excellent.”


“We (RRPS) have greatly appreciated CNM’s partnership with our dual credit opportunities for students—as well as just overall engagement with CTE.”


“Incentivize local industry to provide equipment and possibly instructors to supplement CNM’s programs.”


“There’s a mismatch of skills required for jobs being posted and jobs being recruited and the skill sets of job applicants. We as a higher ed and economic development community need to work better with incoming students to address this mismatch.”


“In construction, work closely with associations, entities that are also focused on workforce development. Goal is to add people to the workforce pipeline.”


“If program accreditation to ABET is important to CNM, I’ll help.” – Hy Tran, Sandia National Labs


“Keep up the rejuvenation of the campuses. It brings new energy and excitement.”

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